Lotman seminar to convene researchers from 10 countries to Tartu

From 26 to 28 February the 95th anniversary of the world-famous scientist professor Yuri Lotman is celebrated with an international seminar in the University of Tartu.

Interdisciplinary Lotman seminar is an internationally renowned annual “hot issues” research event. In 2017 its programme includes 30 presentations by researchers from Switzerland, France, Finland, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and Estonia. Next to reputable scientists, also doctoral students and recent PhDs, colleagues from the departments of history, semiotics and folklore and from Tallinn University take the floor.

According to organiser of the seminar, University of Tartu professor of Russian literature Ljubov Kisseljova, this year’s seminar programme is very varied, discussing topics from supernatural powers in Estonian folklore and the papal legate’s visit to Moscow in the 15th century to modern literature. “The programme promises great intellectual excitement,” said Kisseljova.

During the seminar the presentations of the department of Slavic studies’ new publication, the special issue of the reputable “Wiener Slawistischer Almanach” published in Vienna “The ideological context of the 18th-20th century Russian culture and translation poetics” (ed. Lea Pild), and a book, one of the compilers of which was the associate professor of the department Roman Leibov, take place.

As usual, also the Lotman stipends are awarded to two UT students – a semiotician and a Slavist – who have won the students’ research competition.

Additional information: Ljubov Kisseljova, chief organiser of the seminar, 5841 4325, ljubov.kisseljova@ut.ee

Viivika Eljand-Kärp
Press Officer of the UT
Phone: +372 737 5683
Mobile: +372 5354 0689


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