At the session on 30 December, the Government of Estonia approved the new composition of the council of the University of Tartu for five years.
According to the Statutes of the University of Tartu, the university council comprises 11 members, five of whom are nominated by the senate, one by the Estonian Academy of Sciences, and five by the minister of education and research.
The external members of the new council are:
From the University of Tartu, the following members belong to the council:
Jaan Eha, Heidi Kakko, Birute Klaas-Lang, Ants Nõmper and Ruth Oltjer were also members of the previous composition of the university council.
The council is the University of Tartu’s highest decision-making body, which holds responsibility for the university's economic activities and long-term development. Among other activities, the council approves the university's statutes and adopts its strategic plan and budget.