On 30 May at 18:15 Paris Pin-Yu Chen, an Estophilus visiting fellow at the University of Tartu will give a lecture "Thinking Globally about Race and Eugenics in Interwar Estonia" in room 114 of Jakobi study building. The lecture will be held in English. Everybody interested in the topic is welcome.
Paris Pin-Yu Chen is an Estophilus visiting fellow at the University of Tartu. He obtained his PhD in history at University College London. His research focuses on social and transnational history of race and eugenics in Estonia. He will soon join the research project “Subjectivities of Owning Land: Land Redistribution and the Nation State in the Baltics Across the 20th Century” as a research fellow at the University of Birmingham.
Estonia became independent at a time when racial and eugenic beliefs strongly influenced elite policymaking and nationalist discourse across the world. Looking to the United States, Germany, and Nordic countries for inspirations, Estonia became actively involved in the production and dissemination of racial and eugenic ideas. This talk focuses on the 1930s as the pivotal period when Estonian self-image assumed Nordic whiteness and eugenic activism reached its peak in Estonia. These major changes would soon bring negative impact on the Setos and the socially marginalised.