Rector of the University of Tartu Toomas Asser took the oath of office

Rektor ja president suruvad kätt
Andres Tennus

On 25 August, the inauguration of Rector Toomas Asser took place in the University of Tartu assembly hall. President of the Republic Alar Karis presented the rector's chain of office.

In his inauguration speech, the rector focused on the university's core values, the objectives of the national university and cooperation between researchers and entrepreneurs. "We like to think that the smallness of our nation or country does not limit Estonia's development and greatness of mind. In the same way, we do not want to see the development and growth of the university to be limited just because there are few of us, Estonians. The measure of the national university's strength is that our word carries weight – both at home in the eyes of every Estonian as for the rest of the world", said Asser in his speech.

At the inauguration ceremony, welcoming addresses were delivered by President of the Republic Alar Karis, Chair of the University of Tartu council Ruth Oltjer, Minister of Education and Research Kristina Kallas, Rector of Tallinn University Tõnu Viik (on behalf of Universities Estonia), and President of the University of Tartu Student Union Renar Kihho.

In her opening address, Council Chair Ruth Oltjer said that the re-election of the rector shows great confidence in him, but also hope. "It shows that something very important has been done right in the last term of office. The University of Tartu has a great role in preserving the Estonian language, culture, education and our homeland, and for the academic family, this means working with a mission. Rector Toomas Asser has proven himself as a balanced leader who can see the whole picture and, together with his team, find bold and internationally influential perspectives without losing what is most important to us – the Estonian-language university," added Oltjer.

Toomas Asser was elected to continue as rector of the University of Tartu by the 292-member electoral council on 20 April 2023. His second term of office started on 1 August, when also the new composition of the Rector's Office started work.

The recording of the inauguration ceremony can be watched on UTTV.

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