Toomas Asser started his second term of office as rector of the University of Tartu on 1 August

Tartu Ülikooli rektor Toomas Asser kõnepuldis
Andres Tennus

On 1 August, Rector Toomas Asser started his second term of office, and the new composition of the Rector's Office starts work. Rector's inauguration ceremony takes place on 25 August at 16 at the university's assembly hall.

Tartu Ülikooli rektoril Toomas Asseril algab teine ametiaeg.

According to Professor Toomas Asser, the next five years will see a strong focus on entrepreneurship and sustainable development. "During the rector elections, I found reassurance that entrepreneurship and sustainable development will be so important in the coming years that responsibility for these topics in the Rector's Office must be at the vice rector's level," added Asser.

As Vice Rector for Development, Professor of Human Genomics Tõnu Esko will be responsible for the focus topics of the new term of the Rector's Office – business cooperation, sustainable development and strengthening the international position of the university. Esko's one aim is to help bring the work of University of Tartu researchers closer to Estonian businesses, thereby increasing people's well-being and promoting economic growth. "For instance, in the field of health technology entrepreneurship, the university has great potential to create important solutions for society. For this end, we also have just drawn up a very clear plan we now set out to follow," said Esko.

Rektoraadi uue ametiaja fookusteemade – ettevõtluskoostöö, kestliku arengu ja ülikooli rahvusvahelise positsiooni tugevdamise eest hakkab arendusprorektorina vastutama inimesegenoomika professor Tõnu Esko.

Sustainable development is another important topic in the responsibility of the vice rector for development. "We live in an era where sustainable development is no longer a choice but a necessity. I can see that University of Tartu researchers can be valuable partners for policymakers, public officials and businesses to use research to help curb climate change, adapt to population change, ensure security and safety, improve and promote human health, preserve biodiversity, manage the state wisely and reduce societal divides," added Esko.

Uue teadusprorektorina liitub Toomas Asseri meeskonnaga koosluse ökoloogia professor Mari Moora.
Mari Moora (author: Andres Tennus)

Professor of Community Ecology Mari Moora will join Toomas Asser's team as the new Vice Rector for Research. Moora says that the most important part of her field of responsibility will be to motivate researchers from all four faculties of the University of Tartu to successfully participate in international research excellence. For that, a working environment that supports researchers needs to be continuously developed. "The issues that need to be resolved most urgently are the research funding system in Estonia and ensuring the new generation of academic staff at the national university. Together with the state, we have the opportunity to create the best research funding system in the world. Together with the university family, we will continue developing a career model that motivates and engages young people," said Moora.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Aune Valk, Director of Administration Kstina Noormets, Academic Secretary Tõnis Karki and Head of Finance Kalle Hein continue in the Rector's Office. In addition, the Rector's Office includes the deans of faculties Raul Eamets, Margus Lember, Leho Ainsaar and Anti Selart. Director of Development Taivo Raud, who was part of the previous Rector's Office, will continue as the head of the Rector's Strategy Office.

Rector Toomas Asser takes his oath of office on 25 August at 16:00 at the session of the council and the senate of the University of Tartu in the university's assembly hall. The session will be chaired by UT Council Chair Ruth Oltjer. The event is by invitation only. A live webcast of the inauguration ceremony will be available on UTTV.

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