Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium

University of Tartu rector and researchers presented Estonian research in Japan

From 3 to 10 October, University of Tartu researchers and Rector Toomas Asser participated in a science and technology forum in Japan. On 10 October, they made presentations introducing Estonian research at an event aimed at fostering Japanese and Estonian research cooperation in bioengineering and biotechnology. 

The annual international Science and Technology in Society forum was held in Kyōto from 6 to 8 October, bringing together scientists, industry leaders and government officials worldwide to strengthen collaboration and discuss long-term strategies to help create a sustainable future. During the forum, Rector Toomas Asser took part in a networking meeting of rectors of top universities. In addition, the university delegation had a meeting with the President of Kyōto University Nagahiro Minato, and the President of the University of Tōkyō Teruo Fujii. 

On 10 October, the seminar “Fostering Japanese-Estonian Research Cooperation in the Field of Bioengineering and Biotechnology” was held, organised by the Estonian Research Council. Rector Toomas Asser was one of the speakers who made an opening address and introduced the research activities of Estonian universities.  

Professor of Molecular Systems Biology Mart Loog gave a presentation on bioengineering and biotechnology, “Estonian Biofoundry and the DigiBio project – accelerating biotech from ideas to applications”, in which he introduced the DigiBio digital bioengineering project, which received funding from the European Commission last year. 

Researchers of the Institute of Bioengineering – Professor of Gas Fermentation Kaspar Valgepea, Professor of Molecular Plant Biology Hannes Kollist, and Associate Professor of Molecular Biology Ilona Faustova – also participated in a panel with Japanese researchers to discuss collaboration experiences. The discussion was moderated by Tiit Land, President of Universities Estonia and Rector of Tallinn University of Technology.  

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