Department of Information Systems

Külli Moont
Senior Specialist for Information System
+372 737 5711
r 304
Kalju Kill Kask
System Administrator
+372 737 5712
+372 515 3427 (5712)
r 305
Anneli Sepp
Chief Administrator of the Library's Information System 0.5 p
+372 737 5787
+372 552 1498 (5787)
r 302
Evelin Arust
Senior Specialist for Research Database
MA (Estonian Literature)
+372 737 5719
r 304
Risto Mustonen
Information Technology Senior Specialist
+372 737 5713
+372 5389 4473 (5713)
r 299
Heiki Epner
Analyst of Digital Collections 0.5 p
+372 737 5796
r 303