On 16. August at 11:15, Huy Qui Vinh Nguyen will defend his thesis "Development of Carbon Supported Pt–CeO2 Catalysts for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells".
Kerli Martin will defend her doctoral thesis "Recognition of carboxylates by synthetic receptors - from structure-affinity studies to solid-contact anion-selective electrode prototyping".
On 28 August at 14:00 Kristel Möls will defend her doctoral thesis "Metastable TiO2-II in atomic layer deposited thin and ultrathin films: stabilization, properties and impact on film growth".
On 28 August at 14:00, Stefano Ciaci will defend his thesis “Transfinite geometric properties of the unit ball in Banach spaces“ for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics.
On August 22, at 10:15 Arun Kumar Devarajan will defend his doctoral thesis "Microbes and climate change: insights from plant-microbe interactions in rice phyllosphere and soil microbiomes in subarctic grasslands“ for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Microbial Biology).
On 28 August Reti Ranniku will defend her doctoral thesis "Impact of environmental conditions and soil microbiome on greenhouse gas fluxes from soil and tree stems in hemiboreal drained peatland forest".