On Wednesday, 3 April at 16:15, Elin Org, Professor of Microbiomics at the University of Tartu, will give her inaugural lecture "The past, present and future of human microbiome research".
17. mail kaitseb Fangling Xuan doktoritööd „Regulation of stress response in first episode schizophrenia by monocytes and microglia” (,,Stressivastuse reguleerimine skisofreenia esimese episoodi korral monotsüütide ja mikrogliia poolt“).
On 15 March at 14:15, Olena Zamora will defend her doctoral thesis in biomedical technology "Impacts of plant hormones on controlling stomatal conductance"
The University of Tartu, in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), conducted a study to analyse how much Estonian children and adolescents see food advertisements on television.
On 15 March at 10:15 Anastasia Sinitsyna will defend her doctoral thesis „Links between segregation processes on the labour and housing markets: evidence from Finland“
As the first company in the Estonian food industry, Nõo Meat Factory, together with the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Tartu, will start testing novel artificial intelligence and robotics solutions.
Achieving a sustainable society requires groundbraking changes comparable to the industrial revolution, suggested by the University of Tartu Deep Transitions research group in a recently completed research project.
Evelyn Uuemaa will deliver her inaugural lecture “Use of spatial data and artificial intelligence in environmental monitoring” in the university assembly hall on Wednesday, 13 March at 16:15.