Topic: research

Doctoral defence: Indrek Ojam "The Poetics of Scene and Estonian Modernist Novel"
On January 18 at 15.30 Indrek Ojam will defend his doctoral thesis "The Poetics of Scene and Estonian Modernist Novel".
10. January 2024 research
Doctoral defence: Eva-Liisa Roht-Yilmaz "Converting identities and moralities: pentecostal christianity among the Roma in Estonia and Latvia" 
Doctoral defence: Eva-Liisa Roht-Yilmaz "Converting identities and moralities: pentecostal christianity among the Roma in Estonia and Latvia".
10. January 2024 research
Estonian centres of excellence 2016-2023
Between 2016 and 2023, the University of Tartu lead three Estonian centres of excellence.
10. January 2024 research
Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence to start work in Estonia
The Estonian Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence, led by the University of Tartu’s Institute of Computer Science, will address scientific issues of importance to Estonia. The government will support the centre of excellence with 7 million euros over seven years. 
09. January 2024 instituteresearchfor society
University of Tartu to lead six Estonian centres of excellence in research
Over the next seven years, the government will fund ten centres of excellence addressing scientific issues of importance to Estonia. The University of Tartu has tight connections with all of them.
05. January 2024 sustainabilityresearch
Doctoral defence: Sanni Maria Aurora Färkkilä “Methods for studying plant-fungal interactions – reflecting on the old, the new and the upcoming”
On 9 February at 10:15 Sanni Maria Aurora Färkkilä will defend her doctoral thesis “Methods for studying plant-fungal interactions – reflecting on the old, the new and the upcoming”.
04. January 2024 researchfor society
Coping with future pandemics requires a considerate attitude and trust in the government
Imagining a future entirely different from today can be the most effective risk adaptation strategy. At the Scientific Advisory Board’s conference “Viirustega tulevikku” (“To the future with viruses”), a panel of top Estonian scientists and officials discussed what resources and decisions future pandemics require and what trends influence how Estonian society will cope with pandemics in the upcoming decades. The panel discussion “Pandemics in a future society” was moderated by Triin Vihalemm, Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Tartu.
19. December 2023 research
The Year 2023 of the Institute of Genomics
What was discovered in genomics in 2023? How did biobank participants contribute to the advancement of science?
26. December 2023 institute
Doctoral defence: Märt Masso „Employment relations in Estonia: employee control, participation and work accommodation in co-determining working conditions“
Doctoral defence: Märt Masso „Employment relations in Estonia: employee control, participation and work accommodation in co-determining working conditions“
15. December 2023 researchfor society
Pärt Peterson was elected as member of the Academy of Sciences in biomedicine
The general assembly of the Estonian Academy of Science selected Pärt Peterson, Professor of Molecular Immunology at the University of Tartu as a member of the academy in the field of biomedicine. 
07. December 2023 research