Topic: research

Doctoral defence: Priit Pauklin „Hemodynamic and Biochemical Characteristics of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation and Anticoagulation of ≥65-year-old Patients with Atrial Fibrillation in Estonia”
On December 8th Priit Pauklin will defend his thesis „Hemodynamic and Biochemical Characteristics of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation and Anticoagulation of ≥65-year-old Patients with Atrial Fibrillation in Estonia“.
17. November 2023 research
Doctoral defence: Eliisa Pass “The effect of managed forest-wetland landscapes on forest grouse and nest predation”
On 8 December at 10.15 Eliisa Pass will defend her doctoral thesis "The effect of managed forest-wetland landscapes on forest grouse and nest predation", J. Liivi 2-127.
16. November 2023 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Kaspar Reier „Quantity, stability and disparity of ribosomal components in Escherichia coli stationary phase“
On November 20 at 2.15 Kaspar Reier will defend his Doctoral Thesis on ​​​​​​​Molecular Biology „Quantity, stability and disparity of ribosomal components in Escherichia coli stationary phase“.  
10. November 2023 research
University of Tartu students won grand prize at global synthetic biology competition
The project BeeYeast brought the grand prize at the iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine) competition, the world championship in synthetic biology. 
13. November 2023 studiesinternationalresearch
Doctoral defence: Iuliia Trabskaia "Idea and opportunity identification and implementation within the entrepreneurial process and journey"
On 27 November at 12:30 Iuliia Trabskaia will defend her doctoral thesis „Idea and opportunity identification and implementation within the entrepreneurial process and journey“
10. November 2023 research
Workshop "Mind with a Historical Twist"
The workshop takes place on December 8th at the Institute of Philosophy and Semiotics, Jakobi 2–114 from 10 AM to 6 PM.
09. November 2023 internationalresearch
The ERC Advanced Grant project PeatlandN2O (N2O Budgets in Peatlands - from Process to Ecosystem) launch
The conference aims to present starting ideas for the PeatlandN2O project, which received the ERC Advanced Grant in 2023.
09. November 2023 research
Professor Piret Luik discusses how to increase the percentage of women among computer science students
On 23 November Piret Luik, Professor of Didactics of Informatics of the University of Tartu, will give the inaugural lecture “How to attract more girls to IT?” in the university’s assembly hall.
14. November 2023 research