Topic: research

Doctoral defence: Helen Haas "Alevis in contemporary Izmir: imaginaries, beliefs and practices regarding Hacı Bektaş Veli"
23. augustil kell 14.15 kaitseb Helen Haas religiooniuuringute erialal doktoritööd „Alevis in contemporary Izmir: imaginaries, beliefs and practices regarding Hacı Bektaş Veli“ („Alevi kogukond kaasaegses Izmiris: ettekujutused, uskumused ja praktikad seoses Haci Bektaş Veli´ga“).
08. August 2023 researchfor society
What makes individuals fall through the safety nets during disasters?
At the initiative of Kati Orru, Associate Professor of Sociology of Sustainability at the University of Tartu, the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, a flagship journal of crisis sociology, has published a special issue.
Doctoral defence: Sirli Rosendahl “Fitness effects of chromosomal toxin-antitoxin systems in Pseudomonas putida”
On 22 August at 10:15 Sirli Rosendahl will defend her doctoral thesis “Fitness effects of chromosomal toxin-antitoxin systems in Pseudomonas putida” for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
01. August 2023 research
Doctoral defence: Tanel Voormansik "Long-term datasets of dual-polarisation weather radar help detect and nowcast convective storms including extreme precipitation, lightning, and hail“
Tanel Voormansik will defend doctoral thesis "Long-term datasets of dual-polarisation weather radar help detect and nowcast convective storms including extreme precipitation, lightning, and hail“
26. July 2023 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Elena Vinogradova "Optical centers and quantum entangled states of Nd3+ ions in doped fluoride crystals“
On 22 August at 14:15 Elena Vinogradova will defend her doctoral thesis „Optical centers and quantum entangled states of Nd3+ ions in doped fluoride crystals“ (Materials Science).
25. July 2023 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Houman Masnavi ”Visibility Aware Navigation”
On 28 August at 14:15 Houman Masnavi will defend his doctoral thesis ”Visibility Aware Navigation”
24. July 2023 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Laura Sandra Lello ”Unraveling the intricate nature of the alphavirus RNA replicase”
On 25 August at 12:15 Laura Sandra Lello will defend her doctoral thesis ”Unraveling the intricate nature of the alphavirus RNA replicase” for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Biomedical Technology)
24. July 2023 researchfor society