Topic: research

Doctoral defence: Georg-Marten Lanno “Development of novel antibacterial drug delivery systems as wound scaffolds using electrospinning technology”
Doctoral defence: Georg-Marten Lanno "Development of novel antibacterial drug delivery systems as wound scaffolds using electrospinning technology”
21. November 2022 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Triin Todesk “Ogdžyk töd ‘I do not know that well’: džyk as a degree expression with verbs in Komi”
Doctoral defence: Triin Todesk “Ogdžyk töd ‘I do not know that well’: džyk as a degree expression with verbs in Komi”
17. November 2022 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Mari Aigro “In any case? Estonian spatial cases as argument markers”
On 9 December 2022 at 11:00 Mari Aigro will defend her doctoral thesis "In any case? Estonian spatial cases as argument markers".
17. November 2022 research
Geneticist Andres Metspalu received lifetime achievement award for popularisation of science 
11 November, at the Estonian Research Council's research communication conference, this year's science communication awards were presented. University of Tartu researchers received five awards.
14. November 2022 research
Doctoral defence: Mari Tagel “Finding novel factors affecting the mutation frequency: a case study of tRNA modification enzymes TruA and RluA”
On 29 November at 10:15 Mari Tagel will defend her doctoral thesis “Exploring post-translational modifications of histones in RNA polymerase II-dependent transcription”
14. November 2022 researchfor society
Public lecture by University of Tartu honorary doctor Heinrich Detering
On Wednesday, 30 November, University of Tartu honorary doctor Heinrich Detering will give a public lecture “Folksong as a remedy: Samuel Taylor Coleridge in Göttingen”.
14. November 2022 internationalresearch
Doctoral defence: Gamal Elkoumy “Privacy-enhancing technologies for business process mining”
Doctoral defence: Gamal Elkoumy “Privacy-enhancing technologies for business process mining”
11. November 2022 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Henel Jürgens “Exploring post-translational modifications of histones in RNA polymerase II-dependent transcription”
On 21 November at 9:15 Henel Jürgens will defend her doctoral thesismolekulaarbioloogia erialal doktoritööd “Exploring post-translational modifications of histones in RNA polymerase II-dependent trans
03. November 2022 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Marili Sell “The impact of environmental change on ecophysiology of hemiboreal tree species - acclimation mechanisms in belowground”
On 9 December at 10:15 Marili Sell will defend her doctoral thesis “The impact of environmental change on ecophysiology of hemiboreal tree species - acclimation mechanisms in belowground”
10. November 2022 researchfor society