Topic: research

Doctoral defence: Rasmus Pind “Quantification of internal training load and its use in different practical training applications”
On 4 May at 14:00 Rasmus Pind will defend his doctoral thesis “Quantification of internal training load and its use in different practical training applications”.
23. March 2022 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Keit Kill “Nutrient fluxes regulation in an in-stream constructed wetland treating polluted agricultural runoff”
On 14. April at 14.15, UT Senate hall doctoral defence Keit Kill "Nutrient fluxes regulation in an in-stream constructed wetland treating polluted agricultural runoff"
22. March 2022 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Hanna Kalajas-Tilga “Trans-contextual model of motivation predicting change in physical activity among Estonian school students“
6. mail kell 14.00 kaitseb Hanna Kalajas-Tilga liikumis- ja sporditeaduste erialal doktoritööd.
22. March 2022 researchfor society
Current coronavirus prevalence is more than double the peaks of previous infection waves
The recently completed wave of the coronavirus prevalence study led by the University of Tartu shows that coronavirus prevalence in the Estonian adult population has tripled since January.
22. March 2022 research
Prestigious ERC grant helps identify the impact of land-use change on plant species and soil fertility
Associate Professor of Plant Ecology of the University of Tartu Marina Semchenko has won a prestigious grant from the European Research Council (ERC).
17. March 2022 research
Study gives an overview of coronavirus situation by 22 March
A new stage in the coronavirus prevalence study started on 9 March. The study led by the University of Tartu gives an overview of the prevalence of coronavirus and its antibodies in the adult population.
09. March 2022 research
Three Minute Thesis competition for doctoral students (in English)
Doctoral students are welcome to Three Minute Thesis competition on 18 March. It is the preliminary round for the international Coimbra Group 3-Minute Thesis Competition. The winner will represent the University of Tartu at the competition organised by the international university network Coimbra Group.
08. March 2022 research