After passing the course students
1. know main notions of propositional calculus, set theory and number theory
2. can use them in solving simple problems
3. are prepared to use them in other disciplines
4. can relate operations of propositional calculus with natural language propositions
5. is familiar with different proof methods
6. know main notions of functions and relations and can use them in exercises
7. know main notions of cardinalities of sets
8. investigate and compile logic reasonings within the framework of course material
9. has discussed on a mathematical conception (essence, proof, examples) in oral midterm and oral final exam
Julia Polikarpus - PhD (mathematics)
Hannes Jukk - MSc (mathematics)
Location info:
Tartu linn
Learning environment:
Studies and teaching takes place in appropriate classrooms, which have the required teaching equipment and meet the health and safety requirements.
Outcome method:
differentiated (A, B, C, D, E, F, not present)
Document to be issued:
Certificate of completion
Registration deadline:
Additional information:
Julia Polikarpus, julia.polikarpus@ut.ee, +372 +372 737 6428
Program code: