On Wednesday 29 January, from 10:00-12:00, patent attorney Peter Marchand will be providing insights into patents. All interested researchers and PhD students are welcome.
Konverentsil „Õppejõult õppejõule 2025: teekond väärtustatud õpetamiseni“ andis õppeprorektor Aune Valk üle 2024. aasta õppeteo ja õppekvaliteedi edendamise auhinnad.
Professor Priit Vahter, Professor of Applied Economics, and Professor Maaja Vadi, Professor of Management, have been awarded the 2024 Mihhail Bronštein Award by the Estonian Academy of Sciences.
On Sunday, 12 January, a balcony fell off the wall of the Oecologicum (J. Liivi 2) academic building. The balconies of this building are not meant for people to move on but for decoration. No one was hurt.
Staff and students from the University of Tartu are invited to register for the ENLIGHT Impact Conference, which takes place from 27 to 28 March in Groningen, the Netherlands. Speakers at the conference include international leading impact experts from within and outside the academic ecosystem.
Doctoral defence: Toivo Kikkas "Motivation of Estonian soldiers in the National Army of Estonia and in the Estonian national units of the Red Army 1918–1920"
On 3 February, speakers of the parliaments from five countries will visit the University of Tartu to discuss in the assembly hall from 11:00–12:00 how to achieve peace in Ukraine and Europe.
At its meeting on December 18, the Council of the University of Tartu’s Faculty of Economics and Business Administration elected Associate Professor of Accounting Kertu Lääts as the new Head of the Faculty.
From 6 to 31 January, the University of Tartu will have its first Digital Cleanup Month. The university invites everyone to dedicate at least 30 minutes every week to get rid of digital waste and tidy up their personal or their unit’s digital space.
29–31 January sees the 9th Startup Day business festival. The University of Tartu will showcase its entrepreneurial research activities in the demo area, discuss the myths of the deep tech business on the main stage, and lead and organise seminars and side events.
As part of the main programme of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024, the Tartu World University series of events organised 47 meetings that connected scientists and communities, attended by 17,966 people. Together, they sought solutions to global problems using local examples and vice versa. Communities will continue to address World University themes and organise events in the future.
On 13 January at 16:00, Antonina Martynenko will defend her doctoral thesis "Традиции и инновации в русской поэзии второй половины 1830-х гг.: количественное исследование" ("") for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Russian Literature.
At the conference “Smart Devices in Schools – Blessing or Curse?”, researchers will discuss using smart devices in schools. Everyone who is interested is welcome to attend the conference on January 30.
Join us for a Virtual Open Day where we will cover the admission process, important deadlines, English requirements, student life and much more for 2025 applicants.
Bio- ja siirdemeditsiini instituudi nõukogu valis 11. detsembri koosolekul instituudi uueks juhatajaks molekulaarimmunoloogia professor Pärt Petersoni.
Tartu Ülikooli arvutiteaduse instituudis pakutakse võimalust õppida IT-tööstusmagistrantuuris. See on praktiline õppeprogramm, mis toob kokku ettevõtted ja instituudi targad magistrandid.