Starting from 16 August, all staff and students of the university will be able to test the virtual assistant on the University of Tartu IT wiki page, which will provide support in solving IT problems based on existing guides. The trial period will last a couple of months, during which the Information Technology Office will be able to assess the quality of the virtual assistant service.
On Friday, 23 August, at 17:00, the art exhibition “Missing” will open at the Tartu Art House, displaying contemporary artworks made from 40-million-year-old bones.
Forte rubriigi „Tunne teadlast“ selles osas tutvustab end Tartu ülikooli kliinilise geneetika kaasprofessor Sander Pajusalu, kes uurib geenimutatsioonide koosesinemise mõju haigestumisele.
International students in Tartu can choose between university dorms or private accommodation based on budget and preferences. Cody and Elfi discuss their experiences on the Tiksu to UniTartu podcast.
An international team of researchers and entrepreneurs, led by the Uni of Tartu, is starting to develop AI-based solutions that will enable self-driving heavy vehicles to operate safely in difficult conditions.
The Institute of Genomics of the University of Tartu and the Estonian Genome Foundation cordially invite you to The 23rd International Gene Forum 2024 on September 24th – 25th, 2024.
On September 6 at 14:15 Slendy Julieth Rodríguez Alarcón will defend her doctoral thesis “Intraspecific trait diversity in plants: characterizing effects of trait variation on community assembly and ecosystem functioning”.
The opening ceremony of the 2024/2025 academic year of the University of Tartu takes place on Monday, 2 September at 10:00 in front of the university's main building.
The University of Tartu received the silver level of the award "Supporter of defenders of the state" from the Ministry of Defence for its outstanding contribution to the support of Estonian defenders of the state.
The renovation of the dormitory located at Nooruse 7 in Tartu has been completed. In the autumn, 323 students of the University of Tartu will move in the dormitory.
This year, 400 new international students start at the University of Tartu. Hear travel tips and experiences from Vincent and Nicholas on the Tiksu to UniTartu podcast.
On 28 August at 14:00, Stefano Ciaci will defend his thesis “Transfinite geometric properties of the unit ball in Banach spaces“ for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics.
The updated virtual tour of the University of Tartu at enables everyone interested to get to know the university’s learning and research environment already before arriving there. In addition, the tour gives an overview of bicycle parking and accessibility at the university buildings.
On August 22, at 10:15 Arun Kumar Devarajan will defend his doctoral thesis "Microbes and climate change: insights from plant-microbe interactions in rice phyllosphere and soil microbiomes in subarctic grasslands“ for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Microbial Biology).
The Estonian Cancer Centre will be established within the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tartu to accelerate cancer prevention and treatment in Estonia through international cooperation.
On 28 August Reti Ranniku will defend her doctoral thesis "Impact of environmental conditions and soil microbiome on greenhouse gas fluxes from soil and tree stems in hemiboreal drained peatland forest".
Estonian Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna and Latvian Foreign Minister Baiba Braže announced the winner of the Latvian and Estonian Language Promotion Award in Cēsis, Latvia on July 5th.