International Science Conference “Empowering Youth Values”

On May 25, the international science conference “Empowering Youth Values” will be held at the University of Tartu Narva College, where we are waiting for all youth work experts and those interested to think along and to discuss the meanings of value-based approaches in working with young people.

The purpose of the conference

The purpose of the conference is to discuss the meaning of a value-based approach in working with young people and the empowerment of young people's values in practice.

With the conference, we want to raise awareness of the nature of value-based approaches, to point out connections with practice in work with young people. Also, to create international contacts and strengthen cooperation. At the conference, we will also summarize the results of the University of Tartu's Narva College research project “Development of an innovative model of youth work organization at the local level based on a youth-centred approach”.

Who should attend this conference?

Youth work students, youth workers and researchers, lecturers, as well as youth work experts and policy makers.


The conference will take place on May 25 at the University of Tartu Narva College (Raekoja plats 2, Narva), auditorium 200, and in parallel also via the Worksup online platform.

The conference will be held in English.

How to join the event virtually?

  • Click HERE to access the live stream and the programme of the webinar.
  • Or go to page, enter event ID (#) YOUTHVALUES and press Join.


10:45-11:00 Registration

Opening Remarks
Moderators: Priit Junior Parkman, 2nd year Youth Work Student, University of Tartu Narva College

Daria Avdoshina, 1st year Youth Work Student, University of Tartu Narva College


Video greeting by Kristina Kallas, Minister of Education and Research

Brief Welcome by representative of the city of Narva

Brief Welcome by Indrek Reimand, Director of the University of Tartu Narva College


Introduction of the conference
Anne Kivimäe, Teacher in Youth Work, University of Tartu Narva College


"Capability Approach for Empowering Youth" (online presentation)
Dr. Gottfried Schweiger, Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research (CEPR), University of Salzburg


"What is the Value of Social Media?" (video presentation)
Maria Murumaa-Mengel PhD, Associate Professor of Media Studies, University of Tartu

13:20-13:30 Reflection
13:30-14:00 Lunch break

Panel Discussion of the Youth Experts
Ege Enok, Chairman of the board of the Association of Estonian Open Youth Centers, head of the Viljandi Open Youth Center, mentor of the Professional Community

Aare Vilu, Youth Work Expert

Andu Rämmer PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor of Youth Studies, University of Tartu Narva College

Alina Abramova, Youth Work Student, University of Tartu Narva College

15:00-15:45 Workshops
15:45-16:15 Conclusions of workshops and conference

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