
ENLIGHT invites to Impact Conference

Staff and students from the University of Tartu are invited to register to the ENLIGHT Impact Conference, taking place from 30 to 31 March 2023 in Bilbao, Spain. Speakers at the conference include international leading impact experts from within and outside the academic ecosystem. 

The conference will be an opportunity to exchange and discuss approaches for embedding impact within universities’ full spectrum of activities, be it in education, research, innovation or societal engagement. In addition, there will be a debate on how to raise impact awareness, literacy, and readiness in higher education, what can hinder and foster impact, and what are the different approaches to impact assessments.  

On 31 March, ENLIGHT will present the ENLIGHT Impact Awards in the project’s five flagship domains: health and well-being, digital revolution and impact of digitization, climate change, energy and circular economy, and equity.  

Enlight will cover the travel costs (plane tickets, accommodation, daily allowance) of up to five UT representatives. Registration is open until 17 February via the web form. Read more about the conference and the ENLIGHT network.  

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