Equal treatment support persons

If you feel that you or a colleague or fellow student is being discriminated against or bullied in the workplace or studies, but you do not know how to resolve the situation or whom to turn to, you can share your concerns with an equal treatment support person. The person will listen to you and help you understand whom to contact if you suspect an equal treatment violation. The person can also explain the complaint process. All the support persons have completed the corresponding training.

Note that the support person does not deal with resolving the complaint and does not provide psychological counselling. The support person has a duty of confidentiality and will not share information with anyone without your consent.

Below, you will find a list of the equal treatment support persons and their contact details – you can choose which one you want to contact.

Sille Vadi

Sille Vadi 
Coordinator, Institute of Cultural Research (HV)

Contact: sille.vadi@ut.ee, 737 5223
Languages: Estonian and English
Target group: staff and students

Raising awareness of equal treatment is important for me. It is precisely this that could contribute to reducing the often not malicious but rather unthinking privilege blindness, and to arriving at the realisation that equal treatment does not deprive anyone of anything or make everything and everyone the same, but on the contrary, values the uniqueness of each individual, which ultimately benefits everyone.

Triin Paaver

Triin Paaver 
Administrative Manager, University of Tartu Centre for Ethics, Institute of Philosophy and Semiotics (HV)

Contact: triin.paaver@ut.ee, 737 5427
Languages: Estonian and English
Target group: staff

I have been working at the university since 2006, organising the day-to-day running of the UT Centre for Ethics. I have been blessed with a great working environment and wonderful colleagues. I attach great importance to a working environment, both physical and mental, that takes account of employees' individualities and needs. In 2019, I became the working environment representative at the Institute of Philosophy and Semiotics, ready to stand up for equal treatment and the well-being of employees.

Ester Oras

Ester Oras 
Associate Professor of Archaeology, Institute of History and Archaeology (HV)

Associate Professor in Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry (LT)

Contact: ester.oras@ut.ee
Languages: Estonian and English
Target group: staff

I am an Associate Professor of Archaeology, Associate Professor in Analytical Chemistry, Vice President of the Estonian Young Academy of Sciences (2021–2023) and a mother of two young children. I have vast experience with gender and age equality issues. I am involved in several international gender and age equality projects and networks, and I am the initiator of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science in Estonia.

Kätlin Luhamägi

Kätlin Luhamägi
Administrative Manager, University of Tartu Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures (HV)

Contact: katlin.luhamagi@ut.ee 737 5357
Languages: Estonian and English

Target group: staff and students

I believe that equal treatment, as an element of fairness, is one of the cornerstones of a well-functioning organisation and industrial peace. Every team member needs to feel valued and safe in the work environment. If you do not feel that way, I encourage you to share your concerns.


Hanna Britt Soots 
Junior Research Fellow in Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics (LT)

Vice President of the UT Student Union

Contact: hanna.britt.soots@ut.ee
Languages: Estonian and English
Target group: staff and students

For me, it is important that every member of the university family feels good to be at the university. I want to help employees and students find the best solution to their concerns.

Eva Mõtte

Eva Mõtte 
Coordinator, Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine (MV)

Contact: eva.motte@ut.ee
Languages: Estonian and English
Target group: staff

I think it is important that we take note of the diversity of the members of the University of Tartu. People's needs may vary, but the aim should be to treat them equally according to their needs.

Liisi Pajula

Liisi Pajula
Junior Research Fellow in Educational Science, Institute of Education (SV)

Contact: liisi.pajula@ut.ee
Languages: Estonian and English

Target group: staff and students

In my everyday work at the university, I work on sustainability issues, of which social justice and equality are an important part. Equal treatment is, therefore, a subject particularly close to my heart. I hope that by working together to combat discriminatory and bullying behaviour actively, we can perhaps create a world where support persons like me are no longer needed. If you have a concern or feel that someone has behaved inappropriately, please feel free to get in touch. I can listen to you, and we will together think about what you want to do next.

Maris Gertz

Maris Gertz 
Counsellor for students with special needs, Office of Academic Affairs (support unit)

Contact: maris.gertz@ut.ee, 737 6393
Languages: Estonian and English
Target group: students

In my day-to-day work, I deal with students with special needs and supporting them, and in this context, I often come across with equal treatment topics. I want every student at the university to feel that they have been treated equally, and that the uniqueness of each student is a bonus, not a barrier to successful graduation.

Siret Rutiku

Siret Rutiku 
Head of the Grant Office (support unit)

Contact: siret.rutiku@ut.ee
Languages: Estonian, English, German and Russian
Target group: staff

As a person and an employee of the University of Tartu, I try to stand up for treating everyone with dignity, equality, openness and care. I believe that our working environment, and society in general, will be better and fairer if we commit to these principles in our daily lives.

Janne Susi-Kree

Janne Susi-Kree 
Assistant to the Rector's Office (support unit)

Contact: janne.susi@ut.ee, 737 6500, 5307 1474
Languages: Estonian and English
Target group: staff and students

A good working environment starts with the people, and for me, it is important that people feel valued and listened to.


Kristi Kerge

Kristi Kerge 
Head of International Cooperation, International Cooperation and Protocol Office (support unit)

Contact: kristi.kerge@ut.ee, 529 7677
Languages: Estonian and English
Target group: staff and students

Valuing our members and keeping them satisfied and safe is what makes our university successful and well-known.

Tene Viiburg

Tene Viiburg
Head of Cooperation Processes, Grant Office (support unit)

Contact: tene.viiburg@ut.ee
Languages: Estonian and English

Target group: staff

Lately, it often seems that the world is a scary place, and the last thing missing from our lives is that we do not have the same rights as others because we are of the 'wrong' gender, ethnicity, race or age, believe the 'wrong' things, have a different health condition, etc. If you feel you have been treated unequally, contact the university's equal treatment support person to share your concerns, find solutions together, and make the university a better place by raising awareness.