Information for incoming visiting traineeship students

Getting in touch

The student has to contact a relevant institute at the University of Tartu to inquire about the possibility of a traineeship. Please see the list of institutes' contacts on the University of Tartu website. The Study Abroad Centre does not search for internship positions at the University of Tartu - this is the student's responsibility.

Concluding traineeship agreement

After the institute has agreed to offer the student a traineeship position, the home university, the institute at the University of Tartu responsible for the traineeship, and the student have to draw up and sign a Training Agreement (TA) agreeing on the details and the learning objectives for the traineeship. The home university usually provides a form for the Training Agreement. If there is no such requirement by the home university, the University of Tartu offers a TA form.

Admission of a trainee at the University of Tartu

Prospective trainees need to apply via the SoleMove mobility platform. Login credentials to the SoleMove system will be sent to the student once the Training Agreement has been signed and forwarded to the Study Abroad Centre.

The student must attach a signed Traineeship Agreement, proof of enrollment, and a copy of a valid identification document to their SoleMove application before submitting it. Please note that the only acceptable ID form for non-EU applicants is a passport. The application should be submitted at least two months before the intended stay.

All trainees are registered as visiting students at the University of Tartu after the application has been accepted by the institute and faculty.

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