Grete Lepp

Leelo Muru to head the University of Tartu Foundation

Leelo Muru will be the new manager of the University of Tartu Foundation from 7 November. Muru previously worked as the Human Resources Manager for FC Norge AS and the Estonian Research Council and was Head of the Human Resources Office of the University of Tartu from 1995–2000. Muru will bring extensive experience in people development, organisational culture and strategic management to the foundation. 

Leelo Muru sees good opportunities to support the development of her alma mater as the head of the foundation. She believes that fostering close and trusting relationships with donors and recipients of grants is essential to ensure the sustainable growth of the foundation. She plans to enhance the foundation’s visibility and find various ways to support the university. The aim is to make supporting the future academics and the university a matter of course for the academic community and alumni. “In an efficient partnership with the foundation’s supervisory board and the university, I want to help make supporting the university a good practice for us all,” Leelo Muru said. 

Andres Sutt, chairman of the supervisory board of the University of Tartu Foundation, said he was pleased that Leelo Muru had accepted the role of the foundation manager. “Her extensive experience in human resources management, wide network of contacts in both private and public sectors and good knowledge of the University of Tartu give an excellent basis for increasing the circle of donors and the volume of funds. This way, we can support talented students, teaching staff and researchers of Estonia’s national university,” said Sutt. 

Leelo Muru will take over from Katriin Fisch-Uibopuu, who has successfully led the foundation since 2021 with outstanding results. Her notable achievements include Sirje Karis joining as the foundation’s patron in 2022, a six-fold increase in the average number of donors and a doubling in the average volume of donations. “I would like to thank Katriin for leading the foundation. She has created a good springboard to the foundation’s growth, and Leelo can go confidently forward from here.” 

The University of Tartu Foundation was established in 1997 to support the development of the University of Tartu by promoting education, research and innovation and serving as a bridge between the university and society. 

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Priit Pikamäe

Priit Pikamäe was elected Director of the University of Tartu School of Law

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