Karl Erik Piirimees

Opening event for teaming for excellence projects in digitalised bioengineering and personalised medicine

In September, work will start on the international projects of the digitalised bioengineering research centre and the personalised medicine research centre, for which University of Tartu researchers have received the largest-ever research funding in Estonia. At the opening event on 11 September in the university’s main building, representatives of the European Commission and the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research will speak about their expectations for the projects. Researchers from the University of Tartu and international partner institutions will talk about the substantive work plans of the consortia.

At the beginning of 2023, the international consortia led by University of Tartu researchers received a total of €60 million from the European Commission and the Estonian government to develop two research centres in Estonia over the next six years. In addition to research, the centres will boost the development of the digitalised bioindustry, as well as start-ups developing data-driven healthcare services. 

The projects are funded by the Teaming for Excellence funding action under Horizon Europe, the European Commission’s framework programme for research and innovation. The programme supports European research institutions’ collaborative projects that aim to carry out cutting-edge research and better integrate it into society and the economy.

Both the digitalised bioengineering (DigiBio) and personalised medicine (TeamPerMed) projects will run for six years.

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