Karl Oliver Tomson

Ten years of the International Student Ambassadors programme

This year is very special for the International Student Ambassadors (ISA) – the programme is celebrating its 10th anniversary. When it started in 2012, it immediately became popular among the students and has remained so throughout the years.

International Student Ambassadors is a mostly volunteer-based programme by the university’s International Cooperation and Protocol Office to introduce the university to future international students. The members of ISA are current international degree-seeking students of the university. The team is full of outgoing, upbeat, like-minded people who share first-hand information about the university and student life in Estonia with prospective students. 

Over the years, the programme's structure has changed several times. Currently, the team consists of three subteams: the Event and Content team, the Facebook team, and the Telegram team. The Event & Content team organises events to assist students with practical issues, integrate international students with the locals and help them navigate their future study and career plan. The Facebook team keeps them up-to-date by running the ISA Facebook page with news about the university and useful information for students. The Telegram team creates content in Russian for the University of Tartu’s Telegram channel. The ISA team also runs their blog where each week, one of the ambassadors shares their experience regarding different matters (e.g. how to find a paediatrician, what to do during winter, how to start your own business, etc.).

In 2021, there were 18 student ambassadors from 11 countries. At the moment a new team of ambassadors is being assembled for this year, but below you can find the reasons for joining the International Student Ambassadors next year.

Why join the International Student Ambassadors next year?  

  • It looks good on your CV and demonstrates your advanced organisational skills;  
  • Giving advice to prospective students and sharing your experience is a good way of helping people;
  • Gain valuable practical skills e.g. public speaking, writing, presentation skills;  
  • Be the face of the university and represent the international student body of UT;
  • Opportunity to lead projects and gain valuable project management and team leading experience; 
  • Opportunity to build your network - meet new people from Estonia and abroad;
  • Receive a recommendation letter from the International Cooperation and Protocol Office and a certificate signed by the Rector;
  • Freebies: team-building events, Christmas and graduation dinners, UT memorabilia etc.

The application deadline for this year has passed. Read more about the programme and apply next year.

International Student Ambassadors 2023

Current International Student Ambassadors

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