Topic: research

More than 90% of adults have antibodies against the coronavirus
The results of the most recent wave of the study on the prevalence of coronavirus.
27. September 2022 research
Doctoral defence: Mohammad Mehedi Hasan “Characterization of follicular fluid derived extracellular vesicles and their contribution to periconception environment”
17. oktoobril kell 15.00 kaitseb Mohammad Mehedi Hasan doktoritööd „Characterization of follicular fluid derived extracellular vesicles and their contribution to periconception environment”
16. September 2022 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Helen Semilarski “Improving students’ self-efficacy towards acquiring disciplinary and interdisciplinary core ideas and 21st century skills for promoting meaningful science learning”
7. oktoobril 2022 kell 15.00 kaitseb TÜ haridusteaduste instituudi ning ökoloogia ja maateaduste instituudi doktorikraadide andmise ühisnõukogus Helen Semilarski oma doktoritööd.
15. September 2022 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Ahenkora Siaw Kwakye “Transcendence, as a theme in theology and technology”
On 11 October at 18:15 Ahenkora Siaw Kwakye will defend his doctoral thesis.
13. September 2022 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Liis Roosaar “Essays on labour mobility and labour productivity”
On 23 September at 13:00 Liis Roosaar will defend his doctoral thesis „Essays on labour mobility and labour productivity“.
08. September 2022 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Hedvig Sultson “Refining the constructs of positive and negative emotional eating”
7. oktoobril kell 14.15 kaitseb Hedvig Sultson psühholoogia erialal doktoritööd "Refining the constructs of positive and negative emotional eating".
06. September 2022 researchfor society