Topic: research

This autumn’s orienteering month introduces places related to the Faculty of Science and Technology
From 7 October, the University of Tartu invites all employees, students, alumni and their families as well everyone else to orienteering in the city of Tartu.
07. October 2022 researchfor society
Neandertallaste DNA võib anda üllatavaid vastuseid küsimusele, miks on evolutsioonis alles jäänud geneetiline ajuhäirete risk
Rahvusvaheline töörühm analüüsis uuringus neandertallaste DNA seoseid enam kui saja ajuhäire ning une, suitsetamise või alkoholiga seotud käitumisharjumuse vahel.
06. October 2022 research
Recent study: third vaccine dose ensures longer protection against coronavirus
A recent study shows that after the third vaccination, the antibody count in the body persists at a higher level than after the second dose. 
04. October 2022 sustainabilityresearch
Doctoral students are invited to three-minute thesis competition
On 11 November, the university invites all doctoral students to the University of Tartu three-minute thesis competition to present their research to colleagues and the general public.
04. October 2022 research
Research news: financial well-being, dialect training for computers, vitamin D, and parasitic helminths 
The “Research news” section gives regular hints about interesting studies in various fields of research. 
29. September 2022 research
Doctoral defence: Oliver Aasmets “The importance of microbiome in human health”
On 17th October at 14:15 Oliver Aasmets will defend his doctoral thesis "The importance of microbiome in human health" for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Biomedicine).
29. September 2022 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Priya Kulkarni “Osteoarthritis pathogenesis: an immunological passage through synovium-synovial fluid axis”
27. oktoobril kell 15.00 kaitseb Priya Kulkarni doktoritööd „Osteoarthritis pathogenesis: an immunological passage through synovium-synovial fluid axis“.
29. September 2022 researchfor society
Large genomic study on stroke informs drug discovery and risk prediction across ancestries
A large international collaborative study identifies association signals for stroke and its subtypes at 89 (61 new) independent genetic loci.
03. October 2022 sustainabilityresearch
University of Tartu and Airlangga University discussed cooperation possibilities
On 23 September, the University of Tartu hosted the delegation of Airlangga University, Indonesia. At the meeting, the parties introduced their activities and goals, and discussed future cooperation.
27. September 2022 internationalresearch