Topic: for society

Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya will give a guest lecture on the political situation in Belarus
On 18 November, Belarusian opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya will visit the University of Tartu. At 15.00 she will give a guest lecture in the White Hall of the University Museum, to which all are welcome.
11. November 2024 internationalfor society
Doctoral defence: Maris Vutt “Legal Opportunities for Using Digital Solutions in Decision-Making for a Limited Liability Company”
On 28 November at 11:00 Maris Vutt will defend her doctoral thesis “Legal Opportunities for Using Digital Solutions in Decision-Making for a Limited Liability Company”
12. November 2024 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Ülo Siirak "Humaniste français Marc-Antoine Muret comme commentateur de Catulle et de Pierre de Ronsard"
On 29 November at 12:15, Ülo Siirak will defend his doctoral thesis "Humaniste français Marc-Antoine Muret comme commentateur de Catulle et de Pierre de Ronsard" ("French Humanist Marc-Antoine Muret as a Commentator on Catullus and Pierre de Ronsard").
06. November 2024 research
Golden Apple Award for Educational Project Tackling Misinformation and Pseudoscience
With the created learning environment and guidebook, teachers can now more effectively address socially sensitive topics.
04. November 2024 recognition for society
Doctoral defence: Artjom Berholts "Light-enhanced sensors of oxidizing gases based on single-layer CVD graphene"
On 20 November at 14:15, Artjom Berholts will defend his doctoral thesis "Light-enhanced sensors of oxidizing gases based on single-layer CVD graphene".
01. November 2024 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Bilal Gul „Palaeotemperature reconstruction based on oxygen stable isotopic trends from the Ordovician-Silurian brachiopods of Baltoscandia“
BiOn 29 November at 12.15 Bilal Gul will defend his doctoral thesis „Palaeotemperature reconstruction based on oxygen stable isotopic trends from the Ordovician-Silurian brachiopods of Baltoscandia“ for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Geology).
01. November 2024 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Anna-Kati Pahker “Measuring industrial modernity in comparative perspective, 1900-2020”
14. novembril kell 12.00 kaitseb Anna-Kati Pahker meedia ja kommunikatsiooni erialal doktoritööd “Measuring industrial modernity in comparative perspective, 1900-2020” („Tööstusliku modernsuse mõõtmine 1900-2020, võrdlev perspektiiv”).
30. October 2024 researchfor society
Personality profiles of hundreds of professions published in new study by University of Tartu researchers
Journalists often possess neurotic qualities, while psychologists consider themselves skilled influencers. A study by researchers at the University of Tartu and the University of Edinburgh described which personality traits are common among people in certain jobs.
Doctoral defence: Juho Kaarlo Sakari Lindholm "Knowledge and Practice. A Criticism of Epistemology"
28. novembril kell 12.15 kaitseb Juho Kaarlo Sakari Lindholm filosoofia erialal doktoritööd „Knowledge and Practice. A Criticism of Epistemology” („Teadmine ja praktika. Epistemoloogia kriitika”).
29. October 2024 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Mailis Laht “Using the One Health approach for mapping the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria in Estonia”
On 7 November at 13:15 Mailis Laht will defend her thesis "Using the One Health approach for mapping the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria in Estonia"
29. October 2024 researchfor society