LERU-CE7 Rectors met in Tartu to discuss the future of European research and education

Euroopa teadusülikoolide võrgustiku LERU ja seitsme Kesk-Euroopa ülikooli partnerlusprogrammi LERU-CE7 rektorid
Euroopa teadusülikoolide võrgustiku LERU ja seitsme Kesk-Euroopa ülikooli partnerlusprogrammi LERU-CE7 rektorid
Kristi Kerge

On 14–15 March, rectors from the partnership programme LERU-CE7 between the League of European Research Universities and a group of seven leading Central European universities (CE7) gathered at the University of Tartu to discuss the future of research, innovation and higher education. Rector Toomas Asser and Vice Rector for Research Mari Moora represented the University of Tartu.

The two-day meeting was opened on 14 March by Rector Toomas Asser as the Chair of CE7 and Prof. Sari Lindblom, Rector of the University of Helsinki and member of the LERU Board of Directors. The rectors met with Minister of Education and Research Kristina Kallas to discuss the challenges of funding for higher education and research in the current uncertain context of rising defence spending and limited resources. In addition, the minister introduced the recently announced AI Leap programme. Other discussions included the topic of teacher education.

On 15 March, several University of Tartu professors and its former rector Jaak Aaviksoo delivered presentations. Professor of Artificial Intelligence Meelis Kull, head of the Estonian Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence, introduced the centre’s activities and the potential of artificial intelligence in research. Professor of Bioinformatics Jaak Vilo spoke about the developments and challenges of health data research in Estonia and elsewhere in Europe. Jaak Aaviksoo, former rector of the University of Tartu and Tallinn University of Technology and former minister of education and research, spoke about the Europe’s future in the multipolar world.

At the end of the second day, Prof. Kurt Deketelaere, the Secretary-General of LERU from KU Leuven, gave an overview of recent developments in research, innovation and education policy in Europe.

Attendees included Nebojša Bojović (University of Belgrade), Věra Jourová (Charles University), László Borhy (Eötvös Loránd University), Gregor Majdic (University of Ljubljana), Peter Mathieson (University of Edinburgh), Sari Lindblom (University of Helsinki), Berni Hasenknopf (Sorbonne University), Michael Schaepman (University of Zurich) and Zygmunt Lalak (University of Warsaw).

LERU (The League of European Research Universities), founded in 2002, is a network of Europe’s leading research universities, promoting excellence in research, education and research-based policy-making. It partners with the group of seven leading Central European Universities (CE7), which includes the universities of Belgrade, Eötvös Loránd, Ljubljana, Charles, Warsaw, Zagreb, and Tartu.

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