Science to Business!

University of Tartu invites researchers to join the research-intensive entrepreneurial idea development program “From Science to Business!” and “TIIVIK”

The “From Science to Business!” program, which is being launched at the University of Tartu for the tenth time, is once again inviting researchers and students interested in entrepreneurship and the commercialization of research results to join the business development program.

This time, the program is part of the development program TIIVIK, funded by the European Union Structural Funds under the framework of the “Development of the Estonian Startup Ecosystem and Startup Development Programs 2024”.

The program consists of two stages:

Stage 1: 19.02 – 30.04.2025

Inspiring hybrid seminars, where knowledge is shared both with researchers in a business development program focused on commercialization opportunities for specific research results and with entrepreneurial students with the aim of becoming an active member of a new company team emerging from science, a leader of the business direction and business strategy

Stage 2: 01.05 – 30.06

Team creation, business strategy development, mentor meetings and workshops, teams of researchers and students formed after receiving preliminary training, who, with the help of a mentor and a relevant business expert, develop a knowledge-based product or service and accelerate its market entry journey and create a further action plan.

The program, introducing science-based entrepreneurship and commercialization opportunities, offers new opportunities for those who want to take their research results to the business world and contribute to the growth of Estonian science-intensive companies.

Program objectives

  • To identify the business potential of the participants' research
  • To introduce the researcher to various opportunities for creating and developing a research-intensive company
  • To provide support in finding alternative commercialization opportunities (e.g. creating a spin-off; licensing the research result)
  • Support in creating teams and reaching the market for a product or service

The program is intended for researchers and research teams from Estonian universities who have a product or service based on intellectual capital and/or infrastructure and an interest in the world of entrepreneurship.

Why join the program?

  • In seminars, the researcher acquires the main knowledge necessary for starting and developing a business.
  • Business mentors and a network of university specialists support researchers and teams at different stages.
  • Universities take on the costly and complex analysis of intellectual property.
  • You can participate in community events and business festivals.
  • Participants are informed about further accelerators and funding opportunities.
  • You can acquire practical skills (preparing a business model, learning how to give a lightning talk).
  • An opportunity to form strong teams of researchers and students who have the skills to develop research-intensive entrepreneurship.

Participation in interactive seminars usually requires physical presence in Tartu, but we also offer the opportunity to join online. Depending on the participants, the seminars will be held in Estonian or English.

How to join?

For researchers:

Complete the registration form, including an evaluation of your project's technological readiness level. Demonstrate readiness to build a team to bring the business idea to life. Join Here!

For students:

Apply with a motivation letter highlighting your strengths, skills and experience. Join Here!

Registration is open until February 2nd!

Contact: Triinu Lööve

Time left to apply

From Science to Business seminars

For researchersFor students
19.02 Joint Kick-Off Event
26.02Product & Service design/ Markko KaruIdea and Idea Evaluation / Siim Läänelaid
05.03Market Development / Andres KuusikMarket and Market Development
12.03Intellectual Property / Relika Alliksaar WilliamsIntellectual Property / Aleksei Kelli
19.03Teamwork & organization development / Veiko Valkiainen

Business Law & Founders’ Agreements Alex Luik Hedman Legal/

KTH IRLmethod introduction

02.04Elevator Pitch ABC / Maret AhonenElevator Pitch ABC
09.04Elevator Pitch practiceInvestment & Venture Capital


25.04Demo day & researcher-student team formation
07.051st workshop
14.052nd workshop
21.053rd workshop
28.054th workshop
11-12.062-day business idea sprint & demo presentations

The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the schedule.

Do you have to establish a company in the end of the program?

No, there is no obligation to establish a company.

Are also the students welcome to the program?

Yes, if they have a science-intensive idea and/or represent a research group.

Can all team members participate in the program?

Upon entering the program, all team members can participate in the seminars.

Is the participation in the program limited by certain field of research?

The program is interdisciplinary, and there are no restrictions.

What happens if I am unable to complete the program?

The program starts again in the autumn, providing another opportunity to join again.

Can meetings be attended remotely?

Physical presence is recommended for seminars but there is an option to join online.

Do I need to already have a business idea to join the program?

You need to have a research based idea you wish to commercialize. During the program, you will determine which is the most suitable way to proceed

Spin-offs are active partners for the university

A spin-off company of the University of Tartu is a company which, in agreement with the university, wishes to highlight its connection with the university for business development and whose founders and / or shareholders are the university administration company and / or its UT employees / students and uses the university's intellectual capital and / or infrastructure. Knowledge, information, intellectual property, experience, etc. are considered intellectual capital.

Any company meeting the criteria can become a spin-off. This gives the company an opportunity to use the university's brand and increase the credibility of its products and services by referring to scientific research.

We want an active partnership from our spin-offs, which, in addition to shared knowledge, also includes activities that support the university's core activities - teaching and research. In order for the cooperation to run smoothly, we provide each spin-off company with an account manager who helps to coordinate the wishes of the company and the university.

Mentors of the programme

Programme participants

UT spin-off companies

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