# research

Doctoral defence: Maarja Kõrkjas "Dynamics of tree-related microhabitats in live forest trees and its links with biodiversity"

On 14. February at 10.15 Maarja Kõrkjas will defend her doctoral thesis "Dynamics of tree-related microhabitats in live forest trees and its links with biodiversity" for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Zoology and Ecology).
Bronšteini-nimelise teaduspreemia

Maaja Vadi and Priit Vahter Received the Mihhail Bronštein Award in Economics

Doctoral defence: Kristiina Kurg "Exploring the potential of a liquid biopsy approach for melanoma diagnostics and the role of extracellular vesicles in atherosclerosis development"

On January 28th at 13:15, Kristiina Kurg will defend her doctoral thesis "Exploring the potential of a liquid biopsy approach for melanoma diagnostics and the role of extracellular vesicles in atherosclerosis development"