# research

Doctoral defence: Robert Valner “Design of TeMoto, a software framework for dependable, adaptive, and collaborative autonomous robots”

December 4th at at 13:15 Robert Valner will defend his thesis “Design of TeMoto, a Software Framework for Dependable, Adaptive, and Collaborative Autonomous Robots”

University of Tartu successful in ENLIGHT grant calls

Doctoral defence: Muzayin Nazaruddin "Semiotics of Natural Disasters: the Entanglements of Environmental and Cultural Transformations"

On 16 December at 10:15 Muzayin Nazaruddin will defend his doctoral thesis “Semiotics of Natural Disasters: the Entanglements of Environmental and Cultural Transformations” for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Semiotics and Culture Studies).

The ENLIGHT network calls for application to ENLIGHT Impact Awards