Application documents and regulations for academic staff

To be considered for the Professor and Associate Professor position, the candidate must submit:

  • a letter of application to the Rector,
  • a curriculum vitae in the established format

  • a list of research publications (if necessary, enclosing copies or offprints of more important publications),
  • a copy of a document (including its annexes) which shows the candidate to hold the required qualification (with authorized translation into Estonian, English or Russian if the credential is not in Estonian, English, Russian, Finnish, Swedish, French, Italian, Ukrainian and Belarussian languages). A candidate can be required to submit the original or a certified copy of the document (including its annexes) showing the candidate to hold the required qualification. If the candidate has acquired the higher education in question abroad, he or she may be required to submit an assessment issued by the Academic Recognition Information Centre (the Estonian ENIC/NARIC) of his or her qualification in respect of the qualification requirements for the position;
  • a statement not exceeding 1500 words of the aims to be achieved during the term in the position, and the outline of an action plan for achieving these;
  • other materials considered relevant by the candidate (a list of such materials must be included in the application or annexed to it).

Number of copies: 1

Please note that these are general documents that candidates must supply, but there could be more documents that candidates must submit in the job ad.

To be considered for the Lecturer, Junior Lecturer, Teacher (in the Faculty of Medical Science the Assistant), Research Fellow, and Junior Research Fellow position, the candidate must submit:

  • a letter of application to the Rector,
  • a curriculum vitae in the established format

  • a list of research publications (if necessary, enclosing copies or offprints of more important publications),
  • a copy of a document (including its annexes) which shows the candidate to hold the required qualification (with authorized translation into Estonian, English or Russian if the credential is not in Estonian, English, Russian, Finnish, Swedish, French, Italian, Ukrainian and Belarussian languages). A candidate can be required to submit the original or a certified copy of the document (including its annexes) showing the candidate to hold the required qualification. If the candidate has acquired the higher education in question abroad, he or she may be required to submit an assessment issued by the Academic Recognition Information Centre (the Estonian ENIC/NARIC) of his or her qualification in respect of the qualification requirements for the position;
  • other materials considered relevant by the candidate (a list of such materials must be included in the application or annexed to it).

Number of copies: 1

Please note that these are general documents that candidates must supply, but there could be more documents that candidates must submit in the job ad.

Please note that under the Language Act, international academic staff with an employment contract entered into for an unspecified term must have acquired at least a B1 level of Estonian language proficiency after five years of work in Estonia. An academic staff member proves language proficiency at the first evaluation, taking place in the fifth year of employment from the start of the employment contract.

The basis of public recruitment is the regulations of the University of Tartu - "Regulations for Recruitment of Academic Staff" and "Regulations for Secret Votes". After the elections, there will be negotiations on the contract terms, including the terms of starting date.

Regulations for academic staff:

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