Centre for Climate Research

Piia Post
Head of Laboratory, Professor of Climate Science
PhD (Geophysics)
+372 521 6807 (737 5551)
W.Ostwaldi 1-D401
Rein Rõõm
Professor emeritus
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
W.Ostwaldi 1-A405
Marko Kaasik
Associate Professor in Air Pollution Modelling 0.5 p
PhD (Environmental Physics)
+372 737 5553
W.Ostwaldi 1-A407
Velle Toll
Associate Professor in Climate Physics
PhD (Physics)
+372 5395 1001
W.Ostwaldi 1-D408
Hanno Ohvril
Associate Professor emeritus
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 5553
W.Ostwaldi 1-A407
Heido Trofimov
Research Fellow in Climate Physics 0.2 p
PhD (Physics)
W.Ostwaldi 1-A406
Hannes Keernik
Research Fellow in Climate Physics
PhD (Physics)
W. Ostwaldi 1-D403
Margit Aun
Research Fellow in Remote sSnsing of Atmosphere 0.8 p
PhD (Environmental Technology)
+372 737 4525
Mait Sepp
Research Fellow in Physical Geography 0.2 p
PhD (Physical Geography)
+372 737 5824
Andres Luhamaa
Junior Reseach Fellow in Physics
MSc (Physics)
W.Ostwaldi 1-A405
Kristel Uiboupin
Project Manager 0.3 p
MA (Physics Teacher)
+372 737 5515
W.Ostwaldi 1-B111
Tiia Pedusaar
Hydrologist 0.2 p
PhD (Construction and Environmental Engineering)
W. Ostwaldi 1-A406
Jorma Rahu
Specialist in Climate Physics 0.4 p
MSc (Physics)
W. Ostwaldi 1-A412