University of Bern joins the ENLIGHT network

Bern University

In 2022, Swiss universities got the opportunity to join European university alliances. On 1 December, the University of Bern joined ENLIGHT, increasing the number of members to ten.

Since Switzerland is not a member of the Horizon Europe and Erasmus+ networks, they were able to join as associated partners. There are around 20,000 students of all levels and fields in the University of Bern, in the capital of Switzerland. Read more about the university.

ENLIGHT is an organization of European universities established in 2020. It is formed by now ten comprehensive, research-intensive universities: the University of the Basque Country, the University of Bern, the University of Bordeaux, the Bratislava Comenius University, the University of Galway, Ghent University, the University of Groningen, the University of Göttingen, the University of Tartu, and Uppsala University. Altogether, there are approximately 325,000 students, 65,000 employees and over a million alumni. Together, they develop flexible international forms of exchanges in research and teaching; in the long term, ENLIGHT members strive for common curricula and degrees.

ENLIGHT universities cooperate closely in areas where the University of Bern can contribute actively, such as health, climate change, digitization or renewable energy. “As a comprehensive university with a strong research focus, the University of Bern is a suitable extra member for ENLIGHT, fully matching our vision to break down barriers of shared learning and research between universities. In this way, we want to enable students to tackle the societal challenges of today as well as of tomorrow,” said Guido Van Huylenbroeck, Director for Internationalisation of Ghent University and project coordinator of ENLIGHT.

Read the official press release and about ENLIGHT.

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