Jouko Kalervo Yliruusi

Jouko Kalervo Yliruusi

The University of Tartu has conferred the degree of Honorary Doctor on Professor emeritus Jouko Kalervo Yliruusi for his long-term and significant contribution to the development of pharmaceutical technology and physical pharmacy at the University of Tartu.

Jouko Kalervo Yliruusi was born on 26 October 1952 in Sumiainen, Finland. He received his MSc in Pharmacy in 1980 and MSc in Physics in 1986 at the University of Helsinki, Finland. He defended his PhD in Pharmacy in 1987 at the University of Helsinki. Yliruusi has over 10 years of work experience as a group leader, manager and scientific adviser in Finnish pharmaceutical industry. In 1990, he was elected a docent in pharmaceutical technology and an associate professor at the University of Helsinki, and in 1993, a full professor in pharmaceutical technology. In 1996, Yliruusi was appointed the Head of the Division of Pharmaceutical Technology at the University of Helsinki. Under his leadership, the division developed quickly into a world-renowned research centre of pharmaceutical technology, attracting both young and established scientists all over the world. He also worked out a new course and research area at the University of Helsinki when acting as a professor in charge of specialising studies in industrial pharmacy in 1999–2003. In 1992, Yliruusi was invited as an Honorary Visiting Professor in Pharmacy to the University of Bradford, United Kingdom, and he also has an Invited Permanent Full Professorship at the University of Havana, Cuba, since June 2004.

Jouko Kalervo Yliruusi is a world-leading scientist in the field of pharmaceutical technology and physical pharmacy. His main research interests include molecular-based design and formulation of pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical powder technology, advanced granulation technologies, tablet compression and process analytical technology. He has authored more than 250 original scientific research articles in reputable, peer-reviewed journals, and numerous patent applications and patents. Yliruusi has supervised over 50 doctoral theses and over 150 master’s theses in pharmaceutical technology, physics and engineering. In 2009, he received the highly esteemed Albert Wuokko Prize in Finland for his significant contribution to improving the scientific level of doctoral theses in pharmaceutical technology. Yliruusi acted as Finland’s representative in the Innovative Medicines Initiative contact group funded by the European Union’s 7th framework programme for research and development and has established many successful pharmaceutical startups in Finland.

Collaboration with the University of Tartu has had a special place in Jouko Kalervo Yliruusi’s activities. Since Estonia regained independence in 1991, he has had an outstanding role in advancing the research work of young Estonian pharmacists, as well as their teaching, supervising and mobility. He has also significantly contributed to modernising the teaching and research facilities of the Institute of Pharmacy at the University of Tartu. His inspiring support and commitment have enabled to promote the education of next-generation pharmaceutical scientists in the fields of pharmaceutical technology and physical pharmacy in Estonia.

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