Andres Tennus

New volunteers welcome to make camouflage nets for Ukraine

At the University of Tartu, the weaving of camouflage nets and the making of helmet covers for the Ukrainian armed forces continues, as the war is still raging and everything needed for warfare is still needed. 

We look forward to welcoming newcomers and old-timers who are willing to volunteer an hour or two of their time each week. In room 132 at the Jakobi 2 academic building, camo nets are woven every Wednesday from 16:00 to 20:00. In Omicum (Riia 23b/2), camo nets are woven every workday from 9:00 to 17:00. It is also possible to help without being present physically – for example, by preparing materials or knitting woollen socks. Come and find out how you can support us! 

The university joined the nationwide camo net weaving action in spring 2022, a few months after the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. At the time, it was limited to a few days of collective weaving in the hopes of it being a temporary activity. The war is still going on, so the demand for camo nets remains high. The making of the camo nets follows the instructions of the Facebook group Aitan Kaitsta (Helping Defend). 

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Doctoral defence: Liva Rudzite-Celmina "Creations Involving Artificial Intelligence Under the European Patent Convention: Legal Implications and Potential Solutions“

7. veebruaril kell 10.00 kaitseb Liva Rudzite-Celmina õigusteaduse erialal doktoritööd „Creations Involving Artificial Intelligence Under the European Patent Convention: Legal Implications and Potential Solutions“ („Tehisintellekti kaasav looming ja Euroopa patendikonventsioon: õiguslikud tagajärjed ja võimalikud lahendused“).
Peahoone Ukraina lippudega

Over 12,000 square metres of camouflage nets have been made at the University of Tartu for Ukraine

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