Publication Procedure for Graduation Theses

Regular or external students must submit their graduation thesis for defence along with an electronic licence (permit) authorising the preservation and publication of the thesis on the Internet in the digital archives of the University of Tartu Library. This non-exclusive licence must be submitted as part of the electronic (PDF) thesis file and is a prerequisite for allowing the author to defend the thesis. The non-exclusive licence does not need to be signed – consent may be placed at the very end of the thesis.

The author grants the university permission to electronically publish the graduation thesis via the university’s web environment under the Creative Commons licence CC BY NC ND 4.0, which allows, by giving appropriate credit to the author, the reproduction, distribution and communication of the work to the public, and prohibits the creation of derivative works and any commercial use of the work. If a fixed-term restriction has been established on the publication of a graduation thesis by a directive of the vice dean for academic affairs, the author allows the university to make the graduation thesis public after the expiry of the restriction.

In exceptional circumstances, the author of the thesis may demand that its disclosure be restricted. If the author feels that the thesis cannot be electronically published due to his or her economic rights, the Personal Data Protection Act or state or trade secrets, or other classified information, the author must, before submitting the thesis for defence, apply to the vice dean of the faculty for establishment of restrictions on the publication of the thesis. The vice dean for academic years establishes restrictions by directive for up to five years. If a fixed-term restriction has been established on the publication of a graduation thesis, the thesis will be published in the digital repository after the expiry of the restriction.

If a thesis earns a positive grade at the defence, it is saved in the DSpace digital archives of the University of Tartu Library within three months. In addition, the faculty may establish a procedure whereby theses approved for public defence are made available on the website of the structural unit before the defence.


The preservation and publication of graduation theses is regulated by the Study Regulations

Study instructions main page

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