Silver Gutmann

Rector Toomas Asser and representatives of other higher education institutions in Tartu went cycling with the mayor

On September 18, at the invitation of the Mayor of Tartu Urmas Klaas, representatives of Tartu's higher education institutions go on a bike ride together. The event aimed to bring attention to mobility issues, discuss how universities and the city can cooperate to promote sustainability and a sustainable mobility environment, and set an example for the residents and students alike. 

The bike ride started at 16:15 from the cycle parking space of the sports hall of the Estonian University of Life Sciences. The route passed Tartu Health Care College, Pallas University of Applied Sciences and the building of the Estonian National Defence College and the Baltic Defence College. The ride ended at 17:45 in front of the University of Tartu main building. Stops are planned in front of some higher education institutions so that participants can discuss the topics a bit longer. 

Rector Toomas Asser went on the bike ride with Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Aune Valk, Director of Administration Kstina Noormets and President of the Student Union Renar Kihho. Representatives of the Estonian University of Life Sciences, Pallas University of Applied Sciences and Tartu Health Care College also participated.   

From 16 to 22 September, Tartu is celebrating the European Mobility Week, aiming to encourage people to lead healthy and active lifestyles and to make their daily activities more environmentally friendly. 

The University of Tartu is currently preparing a mobility survey to get an overview of the mobility behaviour of its staff and students. The results will make it possible to make the mobility of university members more comfortable and sustainable. 

During the mobility week, the public transport bus service in Tartu is free of charge. We encourage all university members to come to work and lectures by public transport or by bike. Read about Tartu Mobility Week on the website of Tartu.

More on this topic: 

Read the article in Universitas Tartuensis "Cycling to university – is it easy to do in Tartu?"

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Delta Trends Day 2023

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Tartu kõrgkoolide esindajad Tartu liikuvusnädala rattasõidul.

Join us for a bike ride between the Delta and Maarjamõisa study buildings!