University of Tartu’s Centre for Entrepreneurship of Delta Centre Celebrates Completion of First Construction Stage

On Thursday 1 August at 15:00 p.m., the University of Tartu’s Centre for Entrepreneurship celebrated the completion of the first construction stage.

“I am very pleased that construction has so far gone as planned and stayed on schedule,” said Heiki Pagel, Head of the Real Estate Department of the university. “In order to recognise the constructors for achieving the maximum height of the building, we invited the future tenants of the building and all the constructors to the celebration of the completion of the first construction stage.”

The Delta Centre, situated in the heart of Tartu on the bank of Emajõgi, consists of an educational and research building and an entrepreneurship building. The educational and research building is estimated to be transferred to the university by the end of this year and the entrepreneurship building in January. The Institute of Computer Sciences, the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and some laboratories of the Institute of Technology can move to the educational and research building at the beginning of next year.

The entrepreneurship building of the Delta Centre is a five-story business building which will have approximately 3500 m2 of rental area. It aims to bring education and research-related, science-based entrepreneurship as close to the university as possible, creating opportunities for diverse cooperation. Machine learning and data science competence centre STACC OÜ, Cybernetica AS, AS SEB Pank, Statistics Estonia, Swedbank AS, the Business Incubation Centre of the European Space Agency and Tartu Science Park will move to the entrepreneurship building.

According to Erik Puura, Vice Rector for Development of the University of Tartu, the Delta buildings will boast an environment where scientists, professors, students, entrepreneurs and supporters of creating and developing companies meet. “Research-intensive companies growing together with the university make new ideas move fast,” he believes.

The whole Delta Centre has been designed by the architecture firm Arhitekt11 OÜ. Both the educational and entrepreneurship building is constructed by AS Ehitusfirma Rand ja Tuulberg and AS Ehitustrust. The construction of the educational building is funded by the University of Tartu.

Additional information: Heiki Pagel, Head of the Real Estate Department of the University of Tartu, 737 5110, 503 2021,

Sandra Sommer
Press Officer
Tel: +(372) 737 5681
Mob: +(372) 5307 7820

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