Visit university museums and come to exhibitions and events

The University of Tartu is not located only in the city of Tartu, but also further in South Estonia.

Viljandi koos pärimusmuusika kultuuriga võib olla alternatiivturismi sihtkoht nii kaugemalt tulijale kui kõnetada mõne huvitava teose või marsruudiga ka kohalikke.
With its traditional music culture, Viljandi can be an alternative tourism destination for those coming from further afield, as well as appealing to the locals with some exciting works or routes. (author: Marek Metslaid)
  • Tartu Observatory in Tõravere is the space centre of the University of Tartu with the primary goal of research and development. The observatory organises tours, active learning, and workshops by prior appointment. The Visitor Centre of the observatory introduces the latest achievements in space science and technology and the profession of a scientist.

  • Viljandi Culture Academy combines heritage, entrepreneurship and contemporary culture.

University museums and visiting centres

University exhibitions and events

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