Mäealuse 14
12618 Tallinn,

Department of Remote Sensing and Marine Optics

Tiit Kutser
Head of Office, Professor in Remote Sensing and Marine Optics
PhD (Environmental Physics)
+372 671 8947
+372 5303 7804
Mäealuse 14-225, Tallinn
Martin Ligi
Associate Professor in Remote Sensing and Marine Optics
PhD (Environmental Technology)
Vanemuise 46
Ele Vahtmäe
Associate Professor in Remote Sensing and Marine Optics
PhD (Hydrobiology)
+372 671 8946
Mäealuse 14-402, Tallinn
Kaire Toming
Associate Professor in Remote Sensing and Marine Optics
PhD (Hydrobiology)
Tuuli Soomets
Associate Professor in Remote Sensing and Marine Optics
PhD (Ecology)
Laura Argus
Senior Specialist for Remote Sensing
MSc (Environmental Technology)