Topic: international

Assessment committee is visiting the University of Tartu this week
From 11 to 14 April, the institutional accreditation assessment visit takes place at the UT. During the visit, the assessment committee will give initial feedback on external evaluation.
11. April 2022 internationaluniversity
Ene Selart and Urmas Hõbepappel visited Asian networks
Ene Selart and Urmas Hõbepappel visited Asian networks
06. April 2022 international
Alustab avatud veebiloengute sari, kus arutletakse, kuidas toetada jätkusuutliku linnaruumi kujundamist
10. märtsil algab avatud veebiloengute sari „Liikuvusanalüüs ja planeerimine inimmõõtmeliste linnade jaoks“, mida korraldab TÜ geograafia osakonna mobiilsusuuringute labor.
Events abroad and online
Check out our info sessions and events for future international students.
17. February 2022 internationaladmissions
International community discusses ancient Nordic love and emotions in Tartu
On 27–29 January, the University of Tartu hosts the conference “Love and Emotions in Old Norse Literature”, which brings together leading experts from different parts of the world.
25. January 2022 internationalresearch
Internationalisation contact persons in UT
Internationalisation contact persons in UT
01. March 2023 international
ENLIGHT stands for European university Network to promote equitable quality of Life, sustaInability and Global engagement through Higher education Transformation.
05. January 2022 cooperationinternational