Topic: research

Doctoral defence: Celia Teresa Pozo Ramos „Preparation and assessment of antimicrobial electrospun matrices for prospective applications in wound healing”
On May 10th Celia Teresa Pozo Ramos will defend her thesis „Preparation and assessment of antimicrobial electrospun matrices for prospective applications in wound healing”.
17. April 2024 research
Science Fiction Research Association annual conference at University of Tartu
The keynote speeches of the conference are given by Bogi Takács Perelmutter (University of Kansas) (US), Anindita Banerjee (Cornell University) (US) and Meelis Friedenthal (University of Tartu) (EST).
University brings top professionals and future technologies to Ida-Viru County
Alongside the creation of new technologies, Ida-Virumaa's transition to a sustainable economic model requires diversified skills and support for the development of research-intensive businesses.
Institutional Call for ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Award 2024
Teaching staff of the University of Tartu are encouraged to nominate their course for the ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Award 2024, which will be presented at the annual Teaching and Learning Conference held in Tartu from 7 to 9 October. The central theme of this year’s conference will be innovation and creativity in higher education.
ENLIGHT calls for online Matchmaking Event and Leadership Training
On 29 and 30 April, an online matchmaking event aimed at researchers from the ENLIGHT network will take place, providing an opportunity for thematic collaborations between the universities of the ENLIGHT network. On the second day of the event, there is a leadership training specifically tailored to early-career researchers’ needs.
One of the largest male infertility genetic studies improves molecular diagnostics and personalized management of andrology patients
Approximately one in seven couples face difficulties conceiving a child naturally. Half of these cases are due to male infertility – either caused by the complete absence or low number of mature sperm.
15. April 2024 research
Doctoral defence: Ahto Salumets “Bioinformatics analysis of various aspects in immunology“
On 3 May at 12:15, Ahto Salumets will defend his thesis "Bioinformatics analysis of various aspects in immunology“.
12. April 2024 research
Doctoral defence: Lydia Risberg "The meanings of words and the dictionary. The impact of the usage-based approach on Estonian language planning"
On 10 May, at 14:15 Lydia Risberg defended her doctoral thesis "Sõnatähendused ja sõnaraamat. Kasutuspõhine sisend eesti keelekorraldusele".
09. April 2024 research
Opening conference of the Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Land Use
We invite everyone interested to the opening conference of the Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Land Use, which will take place in Tallinn Creative Hub (Kursi 3) on Thursday, 2 May 2024.
09. April 2024 sustainabilityresearch
Doctoral defence: Simone Eelmaa "The social categorization of sexual abuse"
On 23 April at 14:15 Simone Eelmaa will defend her doctoral thesis "The social categorization of sexual abuse" for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Sociology).
05. April 2024 researchfor society