In this year's call for applications for the University of Tartu Feasibility Fund grants, nine projects were awarded funding for one-year development work.
On 19 June at 12:15, Katarina Damčević will defend her doctoral thesis “Semiotics of hate speech and contested symbols: the “Za dom spremni” Ustaša salute in contemporary Croatia”.
15. mail kell 10.00 kaitseb Sigrid Rajalo majandusteaduste erialal doktoritööd „University-industry collaboration: interaction structure and preconditions“.
On 26 May at 10:15 Madli Jõks will defend her doctoral thesis “Biodiversity drivers in oceanic archipelagos and habitat fragments, explored by agent-based simulation models”
On 27 and 28 April, the research forum of the European Society of International Law (ESIL), “Regional Developments of International Law in Eastern Europe and Post-Soviet Eurasia” will be held in Tartu