On 31 March at 12:00 Kristiina Sepp will defend her doctoral thesis “Competency based and person-centered community pharmacy practice – development and implementation in Estonia”.
On 6 April at 16:15, Vincent Homburg, Professor of E-Governance at the University of Tartu, will hold the inaugural lecture "The Politics of E-Governance"
Tartu, Estonia, March 14, 2023 – Researchers and students of the Tartu Observatory at the University of Tartu started the development of Estonia's first lunar rover.
Researchers at the University of Tartu Institute of Computer Science have added Livonian, Komi, Veps and 14 other low-resource Finno-Ugric languages to Neurotõlge.
On 31 March at 10:15 Ahto Agan will defend his doctoral thesis “Interactions between invasive pathogens and resident mycobiome in the foliage of trees”.
On March 20 at 17:00 Nino Gugushvili will defend her doctoral thesis “Digital communication technologies and mental health: an interplay between usage types and user characteristics”.