On 18 November at 14:15 Andrei Solovev will defend his doctoral thesis „Проблема «Россия и Европа» в русских литературных путешествиях (Фонвизин – Карамзин – Достоевский)”.
On 17 and 18 November, the University of Tartu Faculty of Science and Technology is organising a conference “Natural scientists on sustainable development: what colour is the future?”.
17. novembril kell 10.15 kaitseb Mohit Masta keskkonnatehnoloogia erialal doktoritööd „Isotopologue and microbiome studies for N2O source attribution in peat soils“
8. detsembril kell 14.15 kaitseb Holger Virro geoinformaatika erialal doktoritööd „Geospatial data harmonization and machine learning for large-scale water quality modelling“
A team of Estonian scientists built a prototype that not only extracts CO2 from the air but also turns it into a high-end chemical that can be used t make fuel.
On 6 December at 14:15 Bruno Montibeller will defend his doctoral thesis „Evaluating human-induced forest degradation in different biomes using spatial analysis of satellite-derived data