Topic: research

European Research Council grants
The European Research Council (ERC) supports innovative frontier research in various disciplines across Europe.
04. January 2022 research
Internationally influential research 
The University of Tartu is among the top 1% of the world's most cited research institutions in 15 research areas.
04. January 2022 research
University of Tartu researchers are contributing more than ever to world science
International awareness of influential research by scientists from the University of Tartu has increased significantly over the last 100 years, as reflected in the number of studies whose results have been published in the pre-eminent magazines Nature and Science.
05. January 2022 research
Coronavirus level in waste water has slightly increased
This week’s results of the waste water analysis led by the University of Tartu show that the amount of coronavirus in waste water in Estonia remains quite stable. Domestic spread of the Omicron variant has not yet led to an explosive increase in infection.
06. January 2022 research