Tartu Ülikool mälestab ülikoolipere lahkunud liikmeid 22. septembril kl 16.00 Raadi kalmistu keskväljakul. Buss Raadile väljub kl 15.30 peahoone tagant.
The design competition for the green area in Maarjavälja, which ran until mid-August, received three entries. The authors of the entries were published on 5 September at the University café.
Opening of the academic year 2022/2023 of the University of Tartu will be held on Monday, 29 August at 10:00 in front of the University of Tartu main building.
On 30 July, an amendment to the regulation of the Government came into force, restricting Russian citizens from applying for temporary residence permits or visas for studying in Estonia.
Rector of the University of Tartu, Professor Toomas Asser, invites everyone interested in golf to the Rector’s Cup Golf Tournament, which takes place on 27 August at the internationally recognised Pär