Topic: university

Rector: Estonia's notional centre must be shifted to north-eastern Estonia in the coming years
Ceremony marking the 104th anniversary of Estonia’s national university in the UT assembly hall on 1 December 2023.
01. December 2023 university
Book on the first 100 years of Estonian-speaking university
The richly illustrated book on the first one hundred years of the Estonian-language university in Tartu (“Eestikeelse Tartu ülikooli esimene aastasada”) will be presented in the White Hall of the University of Tartu Museum on 28 November.
14. November 2023 university
UT website feedback
Welcome to the UT website feedback page!
13. November 2023 university
University's equal treatment website now includes explanatory videos
Tartu Ülikooli personaliosakond on uuendanud võrdse kohtlemise temaatikat käsitlevat veebilehte.
07. November 2023 university
Collaboration exercise is organised in Tartu with training also taking place around the university's buildings in the city centre
On Thursday, 26 October, a collaboration exercise will be organised in central Tartu, involving the Police and Border Guard Board, the Rescue Board, Tartu Ambulance, the city of Tartu and the University of Tartu. Part of the exercise will take place around the university’s buildings in the city centre.
25. October 2023 university
Ten entries were submitted to architectural competition for the university’s new academic and research building
This summer, the university announced an architectural competition to find a design for constructing an academic and research building and landscaping the surrounding area at Maarjavälja. On 19 October, the procurement committee opened the ten entries submitted to the competition.
24. October 2023 university
The Estonian Association of Architects and University of Tartu announce an idea competition for the reconstruction of the School of Law building in Tallinn
The idea competition aims to find the best solution for reconstructing the academic building at Kaarli pst 3 and the design for the yard area.
18. October 2023 university
University of Tartu celebrates its 391st anniversary
On 25 October, the 391st anniversary of the founding of the University of Tartu is celebrated. There will be two lectures, flowers will be laid at memorials and a concert held to mark this occasion.
23. October 2023 university
Police confirm that bomb threat to the University of Tartu is a hoax
The Police and Border Guard announced at 9:15 that dozens of Estonian institutions, including schools and kindergartens, received a bomb threat by email in Russian tonight.
12. October 2023 university
Memorial to Konstantin Konik to be unveiled near University of Tartu Library
On 13 October at 15, the city of Tartu will open a memorial to Konstantin Konik, a statesman and a long-time employee of the University of Tartu, near the University of Tartu Library.  
11. October 2023 university