The University of Tartu offers a wide range of support services, from academic and career guidance to mental health counseling, through its Counselling Centre
Join us for a Virtual Open Day where we will cover the admission process, important deadlines, English requirements, student life and much more for 2025 applicants.
Participe da sessão informativa online sobre as duas principais universidades da Estônia: TalTech e Universidade de Tartu! Ambas oferecem programas de bacharelado e mestrado em inglês, com diversas áreas de estudo.
Tervetuloa Tallinnan teknillisen yliopiston (TalTech) ja Tarton yliopiston online-infotilaisuuteen! Tilaisuudessa esitellään englanninkielisiä kandidaatti- ja maisteriohjelmia sekä tietoa hakuprosessista, apurahoista ja elämästä Virossa.
Join Estonia's leading universities, TalTech and the University of Tartu, for an information session on English-taught undergraduate and master’s programmes.
International students in Tartu can choose between university dorms or private accommodation based on budget and preferences. Cody and Elfi discuss their experiences on the Tiksu to UniTartu podcast.
This year, 400 new international students start at the University of Tartu. Hear travel tips and experiences from Vincent and Nicholas on the Tiksu to UniTartu podcast.
The podcast “Tiksu to UniTartu” shares insights and tips to help future international students thrive at the University of Tartu. New episodes are release every Tuesday.
Tiksu to UniTartu - Podcast for International Students is a brand new podcast for future students of the University of Tartu. Listen and subscribe now!
Mihai, a medical student from Romania, recounts his experience at UniTartu Summer School in Estonia, discovering advanced healthcare and international friendships.