Author: Elukestva õppe keskus

Auditing Water Issues


Time of occurrence
1 ECTS (26 hours)
Form of study
Entirely web-based
Tuuli Rasso
Alar Jürgenson
Kaire Kesküla
Study group
Environmental sciences
Program language
The aim of this course is to introduce the complexity of water related topics: from the water cycle and water-related problems to regulating water management, as well as the possibilities for auditing the environmental and sustainability impacts of water using performance audit methods.
Target group:
Students taking this course should be familiar with general performance auditing methods and have basic knowledge of positive and negative environmental impacts caused by human activities. It is recommended to take the course Introduction to Environmental Auditing before registering to this course.
After completing the course, the course participant
- understands the importance and scale of environmental and sustainability impacts arising from water issues;
- is familiar with the legal framework of water management;
- knows the main governance tools that are used for water management;
- can draft and analyse performance audit design matrixes addressing the environmental and sustainability impacts of water issues.
Tuuli Rasso - National Audit Office of Estonia. Auditor
Alar Jürgenson - National Audit Office of Estonia. Auditor
Kaire Kesküla - National Audit Office of Estonia. Head of International Relations, Liaison Officer
Topic Credit Lectors
1. Importance of Water and Water-related Problems
Legal Framework of Water Management
Tools for Water Management
Planning an Audit on Water-related Issues
26 Tuuli Rasso, Alar Jürgenson, Kaire Kesküla

Price info:
Location info:
Web-based course in Moodle.
Learning environment:
Web-based course in Moodle.
Schedule and further information:
Web-based course in Moodle.
Requirements to complete:
Accomplishing the tests and final assignment which are provided in Moodle environment.
Outcome method:
non-differentiated (pass, fail, not present)
Grading method:
At the end of each week there will be a graded test (in the Moodle environment) and at the end of the course there is a final test. Weekly tests and final test will be counted for assigning the final result pass or fail. The participants can choose themselves how they spend their time during the week. This enables them to organize their time the way that is best suitable for them.
Grading criteria:
At the end of each study week there is a graded test (Test 1, Test 2, Test 3, Test 4 and the Final test). All graded tests have to be taken and with each test the score has to be equal to or higher than the threshold of 60 %. Each graded test can be taken a twice. The highest obtained score will count.
Document to be issued:
Certificate of completion
Additional information:
Esta Pilt,, +372 +372 737 5560
Program code:
General contact:
Lifelong learning center
Ülikooli 18, Tartu, 50090
+372 737 6213

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Time of occurrence: 01.09.2025 - 21.12.2025 Credits: 3 ECTS (78 hours) Form of study: Entirely web-based Language: Estonian